Which Occasion?


Company valuations are needed for a variety of occasions, e.g. tax reasons, shareholder changes, transactions, inheritances, relocation abroad, etc.

Which Method?


Just as there are a variety of valuation occasions, there are also various valuation methods. When selecting the method, it is important to consider the reason for the company valuation.

The internationally most widespread method is the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method. This is equivalent to the income approach commonly used in Germany. Solely for tax valuations, the "simplified income approach" may also be used, representing a shortened method of company valuation. Additionally, there are other methods that serve to verify the already calculated company valuation (multiplier method).

Advantages of a Company Valuation by BFMT

  • icon1
    Company Valuation

    for all valuation occasions

  • icon2
    Valuation Experts

    with extensive experience

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    to current case law

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    according to the standard "IDW S1"

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    with tax valuation methods

Procedures / Methods

  • Type 1

    DCF/Income Approach 1
    The "large method" (optionally according to the IDW S1 standard) is the internationally recognized standard method for all types of company valuations.

  • Type 2

    Simplified Income Approach 2
    The "small" tax valuation method, which is used for company valuations within the scope of tax valuation.

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